Reviving the Vibe at Women Who Startup: A Magical Moment for Mazzy
There are events that stick with you, that change you, that give you a space to grow, connect, and thrive. For me, Women Who Startup has always been one of those spaces. I've been going for nearly a decade, watching as Lizelle Van Vuuren hyped us up, making us believe that anything was possible. It's where I met my former business partner, and current Mazzy investor. It's where my daughters once sold Girl Scout cookies, learning what it means to be part of a community of driven, inspiring women. The energy, the support, the vibe was, and is, palpable.

This year, thanks to TARRA, What She Said, Colorado Women’s Chamber of Commerce, Founder Shield, Knolly & Women Who Startup, that vibe came roaring back to life, and I was honored to be on the other side of the table—or should I say drum kit. Instead of opting for a traditional booth with a table, Mazzy brought something a little different to the Women Who Startup Revival. We went with a drum kit to make it interactive. After all, Mazzy isn’t about just standing around, waiting for life to happen—it’s about jumping in and making the most of every moment.
For me, this event was the perfect place to debut the culmination of the last four years' worth of hard personal work, blood, sweat, tears, and discovery. These are my people. This is where I belong, surrounded by kindred spirits, all ready to take on the world in their own way. And it was magical. Everything I’d hoped for, everything I needed.
Mazzy: For Every Woman Who Starts Up
Mazzy is for women who startup, in all the beautiful, varied forms that takes. Whether it’s launching a new business, managing to put down the doom scroll, or climbing off the couch and out of pjs to chase joy, we are all starting up in one way or another. We’re all climbing, reaching, and pushing forward – whether that’s in the boardroom or in our personal lives. And at Women Who Startup, I saw that hunger for more.
It was amazing to see visitors at our booth approach the drum kit timidly at first, then start to wrap their heads around the idea of rocking out for a few minutes. And as they added more accessories -- rockstar sunglasses, a hot pink wig, maybe a fur vest, it got easier. But the magic really happened when they put on the headphones and realized no one else could hear them. That’s when many of them let their inner rockstar shine.

For just a few minutes, I saw women who were inspired, bold, and free to let go. And that’s exactly what Mazzy is about -- helping you get there, helping you remove the obstacles and hesitations, and letting you have some fun. Because we all need to expand our horizons, to reignite that spark that makes life worth living.
Mazzy As a Vibe
Think of Mazzy as that friend who always knew where the coolest party was, or if not, would bring the party to wherever we were. Mazzy is a vibe, a vibe that says, “It’s time to live again.” Whether you’re launching a business or just finding what brings you joy, Mazzy is here to help you make it happen.
At the Women Who Startup Revival, I saw the magic that happens when we give ourselves permission to let go, to have fun, to just be. And that’s what Mazzy is all about—rekindling that spark, finding joy, and helping you embrace the life you want to live.
We’re not done learning. We’re not done exploring. We’re not done finding out what lights us up. And it’s never too late to start. Mazzy is for you, for your journey, and for finding that spark you thought you lost.
Many thanks to the Revival team for giving us the perfect place to launch this journey. And thanks to everyone who came by our booth, picked up those drumsticks, and rocked out for a minute or two. You are the reason Mazzy exists. Let’s keep going. Let’s keep climbing.
Because fun never gets old.
PS…We gave away these three rad gift baskets at the event, including a smokin’ hot FUN NEVER GETS OLD Stanley tumbler. When you come to a Mazzy event, you never know what fun swag you might walk away with!

You are so right - I had not picked up drum sticks in decades. And it was such a spark of fun that I didn't know I needed when you (Mazzy) got me to sit behind the kit and add the accessories. Sometimes it doesn't have to be a big, crazy, leap. Just a nudge and a spark of the fun carefree person I don't let out too much as a working mom in the corporate world.😍